‘The end of f**king world’: The pitch-black love story

We are always looking for the meanings or reasons and overthinking is a problem for most of us. But are all the people alike? If you think yes, then you might need to think again! James and Alyssa are going to tell you a whole different story. They are going to take you on a rollercoaster ride of teen emotions and….oops! Periods. Sometimes I think we are all suffering from OCD- perfect life, happy endings and a beautiful future, but don’t worry they are not the same. Do you think you can handle them because if not then turn back, this is not for you. But if you are our kind of crazy who is seeking some aesthetic, adventure and absolute madness hop on!

“To be mad in a deranged world is not madness; it’s sanity.” Leslie

I think the series have the most interesting introduction, “I’M JAMES. I’M 17, AND I’M PRETTY SURE I’M A PSYCHOPATH.” Oh did I mention it’s a psycho thriller. Eventually Alyssa drops in like a bullet. Alyssa and James have lot in common. Alyssa wants to run away from her ‘perfect family’ and James well he wants to kill Alyssa. Both of them are super cool unlike the boring town and as troubled as they possibly could be. They ‘could’ fall in love but haven’t, at least yet as they make a run. After driving for a long time and exhausting all the money on game zone they finally ask each other where they are going. With no plan and money they decide to visit Alyssa’s father who she have last seen when she was 8.

“May be I am gay. Maybe he is asexual. We’re dealing with a really broad spectrum these days.” Alyssa

While on their journey they break in a house whose owner happens to be out of town. James discovers the secrets of the owner and tries to warn Alyssa but fails. Now as they are trying to escape to her father’s house they have police trailing behind them. There is a series of unfortunate event that follow and in-between everything they start to “Feel things”. The episodes are shorts and straight to the point. The whole series is given a glooming effect which actually transforms you to a different zone. And obviously you can’t look through the dialogues they are really deep.

“That was the day I learned that silence is really loud. Deafening. When you have silence it’s hard to keep stuff out. It’s all there. And, you can’t get rid of it.” James

The series will give you strange emotions, goose bumps, weird romance, weirder realization about ‘feeling things’ and will leave you asking for more. The producers have also left the end very vulnerable for viewers imaginations and thought. Apart from dark drama, thriller and romance there are quite lot of things to be learned specially saying “f**king this shit” a lot more than you say. Join them in their journey of enjoying every single moment, dancing to your own beat, feeling things and losing your f**king mind.

You can watch ‘The end of f**king world’ on Netflix. Do share your thoughts with us in the comments section down below and don’t forget to subscribe. You can also follow us on Instagram and Facebook.

“Respect me changing my mind and f**koff please.” Alyssa