Rhiteek Chatterjee, Author at Movierdo Let's fall in Love with Cinema Wed, 17 Jul 2019 05:07:26 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://movierdo.com/my_para/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/cropped-Movie-Studio-icon-2-32x32.png Rhiteek Chatterjee, Author at Movierdo 32 32 Michael Corleone: The Deserted Knight of the Corleone Family https://movierdo.com/the-deserted-knight-of-the-corleone-family-michael-corleone/ Sun, 09 Sep 2018 09:29:26 +0000 https://movierdo.com/?p=6922 Michael Corleone: The Deserted Knight of the Corleone Family

American film critic Pauline Kael, while reviewing ‘The Godfather Part II’, starts off by writing – “At the close of The Godfather, Michael Corleone has consolidated his power by a series of murders and has earned the crown his dead father, Don Vito, handed him. In the last shot, Michael — his eyes clouded — assures his wife, Kay, that he is not responsible for the murder of his sister’s husband. The door closes Kay out while he receives the homage of subordinates, and if she doesn’t know that he lied, it can only be because she doesn’t want to.

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Deconstructing Quentin Tarantino’s filmmaking with Roland Barthes’ Five Narrative Codes https://movierdo.com/deconstructing-quentin-tarantinos-filmmaking-with-roland-barthes-five-narrative-codes/ https://movierdo.com/deconstructing-quentin-tarantinos-filmmaking-with-roland-barthes-five-narrative-codes/#respond Fri, 15 Jun 2018 09:01:11 +0000 http://movierdo.com/?p=6365 Deconstructing Quentin Tarantino’s filmmaking with Roland Barthes’ Five Narrative Codes

The Death of the Author is an essay written by the French literary critic and theorist Roland Barthes. The 1967 essay argues against the traditional literary criticism’s practice of including the intentions and biographical context of an author in an interpretation of a text, and instead argues that writing and creator are unrelated. In his paper, while elucidating the author’s intentions of describing a text, Barthes argues that every narrative is interwoven with multiple codes.

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