Sanju is a thrilling experience in itself. The movie is a great mixture of comedy and emotions. There are many...
Deadpool, the movie which changed the mentality of people about superhero movies had it’s sequel Deadpool 2 released on 18...
Whenever someone asks me whether you have seen the film, Dead Poets Society. My reply to that person is,“Aye Aye Captain” and when I had to suggest someone to watch this film, I say this single sentence,“gather ye rosebuds while ye may”. This film is an atom bomb of motivation....
Typically, the lead characters in movies are ones who have good intentions, who have morality in them. But there are...
Imagine meeting a complete stranger on a train, talking to him, realizing that there’s a connection and getting off the...
Power packed dialogues, Strong characters and innovative themes, when all these come together creates an enchanting piece of art. His movies are concerned with prosaic happenings of routine life yet appealing to the masses. He is critically acclaimed director, producer and writer. Yes, he is none other than creative persona...