Telugu cinema, the second largest film industry in India, has a rich history spanning over a century. With thousands of...
Beef, the latest series on Netflix, created by Lee Sung Jin, is a dark comedy that tells the story of...
Dhanush is a renowned actor in the Indian film industry. He has acted in a wide range of movies, from romantic comedies to action-packed thrillers. Here is a list of the best 15 movies of Dhanush that you must watch. Thiruchitrambalam (2022) Dhanush plays the role of a local do-gooder...
“The White Lotus” is a darkly humorous and thought-provoking series that explores the lives of guests and staff at a...
As someone who struggles with depression, I take my mental health seriously and have always strived to spread awareness on...
Cast: Naveen Kasturia, Abhay Mahajan, Arunabh Kumar,Jitendra Kumar, Riddhi Dogra, Abhishek Banerjee and others Creator: Arunabh Kumar Streaming On: Zee5 Language: Hindi (with subtitles) Runtime: 2 seasons (10 Episodes Around 45-60 Minutes Each) TVF Pitchers is an Indian web television series created by The Viral Fever (TVF). The series follows...