Directed by Oliver Stone, Edward Snowden biopic just finished with its shooting a few weeks ago. The starcast include Joseph...
The genre of survival drama has always been defined as the sub-genre of adventure films, war films and safari films....
Talk of the every Bollywood and Tollywood Persona, The Tollywood (Telugu) movie- BAAHUBALI, is the most awaited and expensive movie ever made in India, written and directed by S S Rajamouli. It’s the special effects-laden battle epic; A Classic action, religious movie with an eye popping budget of 175 crore,...
In between all the commercial flicks of the bollywood every year, once in a while, comes a small film which...
This ABC television sitcom first premiered in 2009 to extremely positive reviews and ratings. The basic premise of the show was to portray ordinary American families and depict their daily lives with heavy dollops of humor and wit. Jay Pritchett, the patriarch of the family, his children Mitchell and Claire and their respective spouses and
There are certain things which we never forget from our childhood for e.g. Standing in front of Fan and talking so that you can hear your Robotic voice, whenever you were left alone in your house you will start preparing, as if some burglar is going to barge in your place because you think you