F.R.I.E.N.D.S, the six alphabets of this word are represented so vividly throughout the ten years journey of six people, that they get so deeply connected to lives of the viewers. As every group has a Chandler who is the sarcastic one, a weirdo like Phoebe, a control freak like Monica, a sweet lover like Ross and a fashionista-Rachel. The show has so much more than its noncompetitive humour, as it teaches us the true meaning of word ‘FRIEND’. Also, it shows how life can be easy with a friend beside us, even if it’s stuck in the second gear. The whole series intertwines with the life of viewers, as it shows all the things that happen to every next person, and a real “Friends fanatic” can literally relate their real life to very scenes of the show. When one is so into the show, they can’t help but connect everything that happens to “friends” scenario!
Well, if you’re someone like that you can totally get this:
1. When you hit a convo with someone who is new to the ‘adult’ or ‘independent’ life and has no idea where their life is going, you just give them Monica consolation- “Welcome to the real world, it sucks, you’re gonna love it.”
2. When you wanted your best friends to get together from so long, and then they finally fall in love with each other, you can’t help but smile and say- “See He’s her lobster!”
3. The time when you become all Chandler, when someone can’t stop frustrating you and you finally lose your cool! – “Shut Up! Shut Up! Shut Up!4. When you are with your girlies, and there comes a moment of self-realisation where you can’t help but blurt– “Wow, we really are bitches.”
5. When someone can’t stop blabbering about how you don’t think about future and don’t have a plan at all!, but you know just the answer- “I want to wear my bathrobe and eat peanut butter all day, I want to start drinking in the morning, don’t say I don’t have goals!”
6. Times when your friends are trying to make up to you for something they did wrong, but you’re so mad at them and want to show them the wounds, you know how to snap– “ Oh, I’m sorry did my back hurt your knife ?”
7. When someone asks for your help but you don’t want to, so you just try to be polite but can’t help being honest, so you end up like– “Oh, I wish I could, but I don’t want to.”
8. When you’re in that part of your life where nothing is going right, so you try finding happiness in ‘food’, but someone eats that happiness, so you’re like. – “That sandwich was the only good thing in my life!”
9. When someone asks you what to do when they’re in difficult situation, and you turn all Chandler– “ I’m not great at giving advice, can I interest you in a sarcastic comment”
10. When you have to sit in the 8 a.m. lecture at college because of short attendance, and you just discover a new talent of yours– “I just realized I can sleep with my eyes open.”
11. That moment when you do something even though you know it’s wrong, but it turns out to be so worth doing that you don’t even feel like apologising, so you go like– “I’m not even sorry!”
12. When you’re too surprised at something and your inner Janice comes out- “Oh, My God!”
13. When someone asks what’s wrong with you and why you did what you just did, and you’re in the self-criticizing mode– “I’m hopeless and awkward and desperate for love!”
14. When someone lectures you on health and counting your calories, so you are there like– “I’m curvy and I like it.”
15. Those situations where your best friend can read your mind and understand everything without you even saying a word, and you be like- “Dude you see right through me!”
16. And finally, when your friends are too worried that how they’re going to make through all the difficulties and what if things don’t go right, but you know just the right words to say- “I’ll be there for you!”