“The Circle is the chaos of the web made elegant!” The Circle is a book adaptation of Dave Egger’s novel...
Comedy has taken over the way we consume pop culture, news, and government policy more so than ever now. Like...
‘The Dark Knight’, what flashes in your mind when you hear the name. The Joker right? or you might remember it as ‘the film which had Joker in it’ or ’The one where Heath Ledger won The Academy Award for his depiction as a makeup wearing freak’. We all remember...
Here is a list of 6 shows from Disney Channel which aired from 2000 to 2010 and played a major...
A story can be told in many ways, but it is the job of the storyteller to tell the story...
Ziad Doueiri’s Lebanese drama ‘The Insult,’ shortlisted for the foreign-language film Oscar, explores Lebanon’s sectarian divisions showing how a minor argument can become a national issue. The courtroom drama is timely and imperative for everyone witnessing a society being divided. With some narrative twists the film follows the story of...