The Lord of the Rings is a set of three movies released in 2001, 2002 and 2003 respectively. The trilogy is...
Being a teenager from India, you will find that your life is no less than cinema. It will begin from...
BROOKLYN NINE NINE (2013 – PRESENT) Originally aired on Fox as an American police sitcom, Brooklyn Nine Nine revolves around a juvenile, yet brilliant NYPD detective called Jake Peralta (Andy Somberg). Jake and his dysfunctional squad endeavour to get along and function under their stringent and firm captain, Ray Holt....
Recently, Hollywood horror-thriller ‘IT’ smashed the box office breaking several records taking in a jaw-dropping $500 million dollars and counting....
There was a time when the portrayal of homosexuality on screen would cause massive outrage among people and owing to...
Just two months left for the year to finally close and 2017 really baffled us with its varying Bollywood films and the unexpected response they got both critically and commercially. From war-dramas to appealing romances, the year did saw many highly experimental features from capable directors, out to give the...